Curing Pills aka Kan Ning Wan is a Traditional Chinese Herbal formula that dries Dampness from the Stomach/Spleen, supports digestive Qi, and eliminates food Stagnation. It is quick acting and used to ease symptoms of occasional diarrhea, vomiting, feeling of fullness and general stomach upset. Very useful for many GI complaints from a wide variety of causes, from microbial to simple over indulgence. Contains: Gou Teng, Ju Hua, Ji Li, Huo Po, Cang Zhu, Tian Hua fen, Huo Xiang, Ge Gen, Fu Ling, Bo He, Ju Hong, Bai zhi, Yi Yi , Dao Ya. 200 teapills per bottle. Typical dosage is 8 pills as needed. NOTE: This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please submit any questions regarding the specific use of this formula.